
Showing posts from 2013


Check out all my presentaions........ Hope it will help u alot

ERP courses in BBA-ERP

Following are the courses been taught for ERP: 1. ERP-Financial Management 2. ERP-Inventory Management 3. ERP-Salse and  Distribution 4. ERP- Customer Relationship Management 5. ERP-Human Resource Mnagement Here we learn the basic flow and the implementation (some what) on SAP Ides ECC 6.0.

Critical Success factors and Failure Factors Links

Hi there, below are provided some useful articles for CSFs and CFFs o   Interrelations of Critical Failure Factors in ERP Implementation: An ISM-based Analysis, Sanjay Jharkharia, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, INDIA-673570. A Critical Success Factor Model For ERP Implementation, Christopher B. Holland and Ben Light, Manchester Business school Critical Success Factors (CSFs) of ERP Implementation: Following are the CSFs of ERP implementation: ·          Understanding of business process by company itself. ·          If BPR is necessary, do it. ·          Selection of correct vendor by company according to their business process. ·          Perfect communication between vendor’s team and company’s team. ·          Correct requirement gathering. ·          Elasticity, if requirement changes then there must be space to bear the change and accommodate it. ·          Correct Project Scheduling and Planning. ·          Acceptance of change from employe