
Showing posts from March, 2013

Critical Success factors and Failure Factors Links

Hi there, below are provided some useful articles for CSFs and CFFs o   Interrelations of Critical Failure Factors in ERP Implementation: An ISM-based Analysis, Sanjay Jharkharia, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, INDIA-673570. A Critical Success Factor Model For ERP Implementation, Christopher B. Holland and Ben Light, Manchester Business school Critical Success Factors (CSFs) of ERP Implementation: Following are the CSFs of ERP implementation: ·          Understanding of business process by company itself. ·          If BPR is necessary, do it. ·          Selection of correct vendor by company according to their business process. ·          Perfect communication between vendor’s team and company’s team. ·          Correct requirement gathering. ·          Elasticity, if requirement changes then there must be space to bear the change and accommodate it. ·          Correct Project Scheduling and Planning. ·          Acceptance of change from employe