Did you know???????

As an ERP student you are not just a programmer

You have a vast branches to become any or all
You can be
  • Developer (Desktop apps, Web apps,Tablets + smartphone apps) for ERP.
  • Analysts of IT,ERP system
  • Consultants of ERP system deployement , training etc.....
And As PAF-KIET have BBA-ERP...... you can imagine where you can fit...........
You can be in business department.......... or IT department...........or can Handle both....

We have an example of our Senior......... Adeel Baig
He is one man Army (Developer,Consultan& Analyst)...... Check out his profile at LinkedIn

Other people like Hassam Ahmed Thanvi....Senior ERP Officer at Shabbir Tiles & Ceramics Limited (HOH).......
(a person whose 1st semester gpa was 1.00 in BBA-Hons)...... but is a capable programmer now at 3.00 gpa in final semester.

above two guys are not passed out but still have valuable Jobs..........
so,...................................................Zara Sochiye.....................


  1. Can you please tell me about its admissions? Are they open?

  2. they will be soon about a month later.........
    go to


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